Song of the Night: Chapter 4
Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 6:23 AM

We made our way to Ciar. Again, it wasn’t my favorite place, but the rewards we pretty good, and I could get the item I needed, the thing that I went into Alby dungeon about six times in a row to get enough of the item. We did the dungeon quickly and made it to the boss. I was surprised that the two of them were actually pretty good at doing dungeons quickly. But then again, they were elves and they were faster than humans and giants.
I stopped in a room a long the way to the final room and picked up the item I had been searching for. Mana herbs, it was said that bears loved them, and truth be told, they did. “Hurry up!” Madonna shouted from the other room as she charged her fire. I got up and sprinted into the room. The plan was to mele it until it was no more. I swung both swords at it, and was sent flying, almost dead; I hadn’t been that low on health in a ling time.
I finally understood why Madonna was smiling… we were doing Ciar advanced. I charged up my fire as well and summoned my silver fox Ishikuo, the only pet I had at the time. I gave the command to it to attack and smash the golem. Finally, after about 5 resurrections, all of them on me, the golem fell and faded away. I sighed and fell to my knees. I hate golems. We all ran into the treasure room and got our rewards. Mainly gold, and of course, more mana herbs for me. I smiled. I had enough to buy a horse, but I hesitated. Well, until Kimk convinced me to buy one.
“I have to go to a few places, I’ll see you around, okay?” I waved good-bye to them and rode off. First was to go see Tarlach, in his bear form. The only time he could eat mana herbs was in his bear form and it would help keep him alive. I befriended him a while back, mainly because I brought him mana herbs and talked to him. There was snow everywhere in Sidhe Sneactha. So I usually brought my winter jacket with me. I rode my new horse through the Snowman’s Tomb, and all the way to the alter. He was still in his bear form so I had made it in time.
I gave him the mana herbs and happily waited until he turned back into his human form. It was only for a short while that I could talk to him, so we usually talked about random topics. Like the Snowman’s tomb and who took the time to make so many snowmen. Once, when he wasn’t looking, I threw a snowball at the back of his head. I got a short laugh out of it.
Song of the Night: Chapter 3
at 5:42 AM

I agreed to go to Ciar, even though I didn’t want to. I had a feeling Kimk would beg me until I went though. Madonna said there was a person who would be joining us; they called him Saw, mainly because no one could remember his name. We ran through the Grasslands, not really caring about the wolves. I rode on Kimk’s horse, since I hadn’t bought one yet. I blocked her view because of my height, and all I could do the whole way was say I was sorry. I mean, what else can you do when you’re slow and tall.
Along the way, I thought about what it would be like to have an elf ride on a giant’s horse. It would be scary… in fact I would probably cry if I had that happen when I was in my elf form. I rarely used my elf form, mainly because I was weak when I was in it. I had two elf forms, and a human. All of them we’re made to be used as a team, both elves made money in Longa dungeon, and my human shopped for all three accounts, since it takes a while for the elves to get back to Filia.
I had been saving up for the New York Mario Dress, but I had to spend my money to pay for repairs for my swords. I hated having to do that, but it was the only way I would be able to fight to get the money. I was a pretty high level, and I duel-welded so I was even stronger. It was odd though, a strong character, which was an average size woman, with bright eyes, silver hair, and a usual smiling face. You would never be able to guess my level.
Song of the Night: Chapter 2
Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at 6:18 AM

“Hey wait up!” Someone said running towards Kimk and myself. Another young girl stood in front of me only after a few seconds. She was fast, but then again, Elves were much faster than humans. It looked a bit awkward, me, a tall human, with two small kids. I looked like their mother. Which of course became my nickname. Her name was Madonna, she acted more mature then Kimk, her personality really didn’t match how she looked, but then again, I was the same.
“Kimk! I said wait up, you just ran off without me!” She was furious. Kimk hid behind me. “Eeeekkk! o_o
I laughed as Madonna chased Kimk around me in circles. They paused and then laughed along. They acted just like sisters. We all sat down and talked for a little while.
“So what’s your name?” Kimk asked. “Well, its Albireostar.” I answered. It was an odd name, but it was mine. “Your name is too long… you need a nickname.” Madonna said, trying to think. “Star :D” Kimk shouted. “You can be Star!” She danced around me. She summoned a small bear and made it dance along with her.
“Hey, wanna do Ciar Dungeon?” Madonna asked, there was a smirk on her face and I didn’t know if it was a good one, or one I would end up regretting if I made a decision.
“Never been there before. What’s the boss?” I never did Ciar, mainly because of the boss. I knew it quite well. In fact I had tried it before, but I tried the advanced dungeon. Alone.
I died when I got to the boss, which was a huge Golem. Out of all of the monsters, I hated Golems. On one of my trips to Filia, the elf town I the desert, which I might like to add that its not a good place to wear a fur coat. I encountered the Emerald Golem there. Once again, it fueled my hatred for Golems.
“It’s a Golem! >w<” Kimk said happily. She was clearly he happiest one here. Madonna kept smiling, it was kind of scaring me.